Two new Mugen Souls Z trailer have been released by NIS American and detail some of the improved mechanics found in the game.
Ubisoft talks about creating a modern day fairy tale in Child of Light developer’s diary
In the last developer’s diary for Child of Light, the developers talk a bit more about creating a modern day fairy tale and give more details about Aurora
Freedom Wars weapons trailer
A new trailer for Freedom Wars shows off the various weapon types that players will be able to use in order to survive.
Final Fantasy Agito heading to iOS and Android in Japan
A new trailer for the iOS and Android version of Final Fantasy Agito has been released.
Tales of Hearts R confimed by producer for Winter 2014 release
Namco Bandai confirms the Gamestop leak. Tales of Hearts R will be making its way to the West in Winter 2014.
Soul Sacrifice Delta casting its way to the US May 13
Sony’s Japan Studio and Cpmcept have announced that Soul Sacrifice Delta will be coming stateside this May.
Take a tour of Lemuria in Child of Light’s latest trailer
Ubisoft takes players on a tour of Lemuria in the latest trailer for Child of Light.
Latest Drakengard 3 trailers tells of designing heroes for RPGs
In the latest Drakengard 3 trailer, series character designer Kimihiko Fujisaka explains how a RPG hero, in this case Drakengard’s hero, is designed.
Natural Doctrine coming to the West
Kadokawa Games and NIS America will be bringing NAtURAl DOCtRINE to the PS4, PS3 and Vita this Autumn 2014.
Demon Gaze gets a second English trailer
Demon Gaze gets ready for its April release with a new English trailer. As March starts to wind down, the first wave of NISA announced games will start to see [ … ]