After years of talk. Capcom finally reveals a Resident Evil 2 trailer at E3 this week.
Tag: Xbox One
E3 2018: Devil May Cry 5 trailer
Capcom brings the demo slayer Nero to E3 2018 with a reveal trailer for Devil May Cry 5.
E3 2018: Kingdom Hearts III trailers
E3 2018 is in full swing this week, so let’s kick things off with new trailers from Kingdom Hearts III.
Laser League review
Strap on your best neon glow sticks as the latest team base multiplayer game. Laser League, is laser focused and ready to dominate.
Hand of Fate 2 review
The fate of the cards are in the hands of a mysterious stranger once again in Hand of Fate 2.
PAX South 2018: Haimrik preview
At PAX South 2018 this weekend, Haimrik will show attendees that words have power.
PAX South 2018 preview: Ancestors
PAX South 2018 will be facing down hordes of barbarians when Ancestors makes its appearance next weekend.
Capcom reveals Street Fighter 30th Anniversary collection
Capcom celebrates 30 years of Street Fighter with the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection.
PSX 2017: The tale of sword and souls still burns with teaser reveal of Soulcalibur VI
Welcome back to the stage of history as Soulcalibur VI gets a new trailer for Playstation Experience 2017.
From Software teases new game at Game Awards 2017
From Software kicked off the world premieres at the 2017 Game Awards Show with a mysterious teaser trailer with the title “Shadows die twice.”